Friday 6 March 2015

Simple Ways To Live a Greener Life In Your Own Home

You care about the environment. So why is your home feeling less than green lately? The truth is that many of us struggle to find effective ways to reduce our carbon footprint and go green at home. Guess what? Living a greener life doesn't have to be complicated. There are plenty of ways to benefit the environment in your very own space. All it takes is a little creativity. Not sure where to start? Start right here. These simple tips and tricks will improve your home in no time flat.

Unplug For Real

Even when you aren't actually using your computer, it still uses a very small amount of energy. This is true of many of our electronic devices. So, unplug for real every now and again. When you aren't watching your TV or using your DVD player, unplug them or turn off the power bar. You can do the same with your microwave, printer, phone charger, stereo system, and a raft of other electronic items. Doing so will reduce your monthly energy usage. That saves you money and helps the environment at the same time. Remember, every little bit matters!

Re-Think Your Roofing Materials

Did you know your roof can impact the environment? It's true. Using materials that are of poor quality can cause them to require replacement much earlier. That means more waste sitting in a landfill. Not to mention the fact that certain roofing colours can absorb and reflect more heat. Your best bet? Choose roofing materials that are guaranteed to last for twenty to twenty five years, have a reflective UV coating, and come in a light shade for minimum heat absorption. These choices will affect your heating and cooling bill - and your long term effect on the environment.

Don't Leave The Water Running

This next tip may sound pretty simple but it is effective. Don't leave the water running when you aren't using it. You would be amazed at how often we let the water run unnecessarily. Maybe you sometimes leave it going when you brush your teeth or you forgot to get that dripping faucet fixed. Whatever the reason, turn it off! When you leave the tap running, you waste gallons of water each and every day.
Choose Your Products Carefully
By now you probably know that there are environmentally friendly cleaning products out there. In fact, you may even use a few of them. That is great.... but there may be more that you could be doing. The next time you go shopping, look for concentrated cleaning products instead. They use up to 60% less packaging than other formulas. That means less to throw away and just as much product to use. And speaking of cleaning products, make sure you follow the directions on the bottle. Overusing products can lead to unnecessary waste.
Cut Back On Paper Waste
The average person goes through an awful lot of paper each day. The good news is you don't have to. There are many ways to cut back on paper waste. A few ideas include paying your bills online, signing your name on no junk-mail lists, printing documents on both sides of the paper, and using e-coupons when you go to stores. Get creative with it and see how many ways you can reduce your paper waste.
Discover a whole new side of your home by going green. There are so many ways - big and small - that you can contribute to a better, less wasteful, society. Start with these simple tips and tricks. Before you know it, you will be saving money and benefiting the environment. What do you have to lose?
Joe Davis understands the importance of green living. He has experience bringing both residential and commercial roofing products to customers all over the country. In the last few years, he has been working successfully with IKO Roofing.

Friday 27 February 2015

How To: DIY Your Very Own Man Cave and Woman Cave

Sometimes, it feels good to get away from it all. Stressed from work? Have a mountain of family obligations? Forget about them all. While a vacation to an exotic place or an afternoon on a warm beach sounds ideal, that isn't always possible. The next best thing? Having a spot in your home that is all your own. For years, the idea of a man cave has been tossed around.... but what about a woman cave? It is important for the men and women of the house to have a place to relax, unwind, and let their stresses melt away. This guide will show you how to DIY your very own man - and woman - cave. Are you ready to get started? Ladies first....
While the idea of a man cave has become popular over the last several years, it is becoming increasingly popular for a woman to have her own space as well. How can you create one? Start by thinking about what you want. Do you have certain interests that you like to devote your free time to? Maybe it is crafting, writing, painting, playing an instrument, or even working out. This room can be a great place to do those things in peace. You can set up a workstation, clear the floor for a good cardio routine, or even create a relaxing mood. The latter can be done with a comfy couch or chair, a good book, a scented candle, and some tranquil music. After you know what you hope to use the room for, you can start bringing DIY flair to the space.
In terms of color, think carefully. If you are on the hunt for an escape, stick to calming colors like blues and greens. Or for a punch of energy an excitement, opt for bolder more in your face shades. Choose complimentary accessories like blankets, throw pillows, and knick-knacks. Other DIY ideas? Create a dance floor, paint a mural on the wall, install some bookshelves, or build a wine rack.
Now for the quintessential man cave. Just like the woman cave, it is important to think about what you will use the room for. Are there any specific hobbies you like to engage in? It could be playing a video game, watching some old movies, building new things, or listening to your favorite music. Aim to create a room that will give you ample space to enjoy those activities. If you are an active gamer for instance, you might want to focus your attention on DIY-ing your own custom entertainment unit. That includes cabinet space along with shelves to hold your game systems, extra cords, television, Blu-Ray player, and so on. It is a great way to make the space totally your own.
Another way to make the space your own is to think about décor. Choose your favorite color and paint one or all of the walls in that shade. Or bring in a comfortable couch to lie back on while you regroup after a long day. Hang some of your favourite pictures on the wall, put up a map of the places you have traveled, or put a mini fridge in the corner. Go as elaborate as simple as you like. Just make sure that you play with color, accessories, and DIY until you have created the ultimate room.
Everyone needs a little alone time. It can help you relax, focus on yourself, and nourish your hobbies. The perfect solution is a man or woman cave! Bring a little design and DIY to the task at hand. Before you know it, you will have a room that is totally and completely you.
Joe Davis understands the importance of design and DIY. He has experience bringing both residential and commercial roofing products to customers all over the country. In the last few years, he has been working successfully with IKO Roofing.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Decorating Your Home In Style - Even If You Are On a Budget

We all want the best things in life. That includes a home to be proud of. There is nothing quite so rewarding as walking into a space that you truly love. It can make you feel accomplished and content. That is the beauty of interior design and décor. The right collection of pieces, colour palettes, and accessories can give you a living space that reflects who you are and what you love most.

Unfortunately, budgets often play a part in the way our homes look. Do you have a limited budget to work with? No sweat. It is time to decorate your home in style.

First thing is first. Before you start picturing an elaborate fountain in the entryway, marble tiles, and a total overhaul of your existing space.... be realistic. That is the best possible way to achieve great style on a budget. It is important to set a budget and work within the confines of it. Take a moment to accept that your home may not look exactly how you want it to right away. This is a process! It may take a little more time to create that picture perfect space. Maybe you want to tackle one room at a time or do things bit by bit. Either option is okay. Just remember that working with a budget means getting to the end goal in a slow and steady manner.

Now to get started. One of the great things about decorating your home is that often you can work with what you have. Something as simple as moving a piece of furniture to another room, adding a slip cover, or changing the placement of furniture within a room can dramatically alter the way your space appears. And for next to nothing! Another great way to make a bold change without overdoing it on the budget is to paint the walls or create a fun and exciting statement wall - complete with personal accessories and a vibrant colour palette.

There are a number of other ways to add style and sophistication to your home without overspending. Make your own picture frames, re-paint the ones you have, or try creating some stunning accessories. You can always fill an empty vase with dried flowers, plastic fruit, or leftover pieces of glass tile. This will make your room look more upscale even though you have spent very little. It is the perfect way to infuse something special into a room while you save up for larger remodels.

Other ways to decorate your home in style? Look around thrift stores for pieces that can be made over, lay down a bold area rug, sand and re-stain your wooden furniture, or pick out some new towels for your bathroom. A few small changes to the pieces you have and the colours you are using can make your home look more expensive, put together, and aesthetically pleasing. Take it one room at a time - and write out a more extensive to-do list for the future.

A budget doesn't have to be limiting. Just work around it! To improve your home décor, simply start small and put your thinking cap on. The more creative you get, the more money you can save.... and the better your home will look. Make re-design fun and exciting. Not only will you love your home but you are sure to appreciate it even more.

Joe Davis understands the importance of home design. He has experience bringing both residential and commercial roofing products to customers all over the country. In the last few years, he has been working successfully with IKO Roofing Shingles.

Friday 13 February 2015

Decor Ideas That Will Breathe New Life Into Your Living Room

Are you tired of the same old thing? Even the best home design can start to feel stale after a while. That is okay. It gives you the perfect excuse to try something new, update your space, and put a fresh spin on your décor. Start with your living room. This is where you spend the bulk of your time - so you want to make sure it stands out for all the right reasons. It doesn't matter if you have a large design budget or limited resources to work with. With a little creativity, these décor ideas will breathe new life into your living room.
The great thing about home design is that you can go as bold or subtle as you like. It all depends on your own personal preferences. So, keep that in mind as you start thinking about change. Where to begin? There is one thing that can add excitement to any living room area: flowers. They come in countless colors, shapes, and sizes. Maybe you want a rose here and there - or perhaps you would prefer a massive bouquet. The key is to have fun with whatever type of flower you choose. Opt for a bold color like purple or yellow to perk up a warm toned room. Or add some dramatic flair with a large and over the top arrangement. Choose a vase that is just as show stopping to add even more luxury to your home décor.
Mixing and matching is another great way to give your living room some oomph. Say your couch has a textured pattern or is made of leather. Make sure any nearby accessories contrast. For instance, rather than choose textured pillows for your textured couch, mix materials, fabrics, and shapes. Throw on a satin pillow or two in varying sizes. And place a woven rug underneath your coffee table. Not only will this technique make your living room appear larger but it will also prevents your décor from looking like it came right out of the catalog.
Still not sure how to amp up your living room? Add in an accent print. If the room is full of neutrals (it could be the color of your couch, chairs, or carpeting) then you need to give it a pop of something. You would be amazed at how easily it can transform the look and feel of your space. A few ideas are to mix in a bold print like zebra or leopard, a geometrical print, polka dots, or anything else that will stand out against a sea of neutral shades. There are other décor ideas to consider for your living room as well. They include: new accessories, working in another color scheme, and adding in light. For the latter, think lamps, chandeliers, candle holders, and so on.
Home design should never be boring or predictable. Breathe new life into your living room by trying out these fun and fresh decor ideas. They are quick, effective, and exciting. With a stunning new space to enjoy, why wait? Show off your living room by planning a get together this season. Everyone will be begging you for design tips!
Joe Davis understands the importance of home design. He has experience bringing both residential and commercial roofing products to customers all over the country. In the last few years, he has been working successfully with IKO Roofing.

Monday 9 February 2015

DIY-ing It? 3 Things To Consider Before You Get Started

We live in a world of do it yourself. These days, more and more homeowners are skipping visits from professionals. Instead, they are choosing to put their skills to the test with a little know-how and some elbow grease. Why has this shift taken place? DIY to-dos can be found online, seen in videos, and read about in magazines - and they often appear quick and easy to complete. Are you thinking about DIY-ing it? Then listen up. Here are three things you will want to consider before you begin tackling your home improvement list.

Do You Enjoy Handling Home Improvement Tasks

There are many benefits to choosing to do it yourself. Just think of the satisfaction you feel after completing a task. Suddenly, your home is running smoothly and looking better than ever before. There is something rewarding about it all. Not to mention the fact that you did it with your own two hands! This is one of the many reasons DIY projects have grown in popularity over the last several years. However, there is one small detail many of us tend to overlook. Before you commit yourself to a roof repair or re-staining your porch, consider the following: do you actually enjoy handling home improvement tasks? If it sounds like a terrible way to spend an afternoon - skip the DIY. Doing something you hate to save a bit of cash is unlikely to turn out the way you hope.

Are You Skilled Enough To Tackle The Project

Another question to ask yourself before you start a DIY project? Do you have the skills? It is important to determine whether or not you can actually complete the project safely and accurately. Maybe you feel good about painting your bedroom walls. Perfect! However, when it comes to more complicated projects, like tiling or re-wiring, your comfort level may start to wane. Pay attention. You want to use your comfort level as a guide. If you feel nervous or anxious about a particular home improvement task, stop. It is likely one that is best left to the pros.

Will It Actually Save You Money

There is one more thing to consider before you grab your tool belt. Will this DIY project actually save you money? One of the biggest misconceptions about doing it yourself is that it will help you keep a ton of extra money in your back pocket. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It completely depends on the task at hand. For instance, professionals can often buy materials in bulk, which reduces the cost. Or certain services come with a warranty that can extend the lifespan of those materials. Not to mention the fact that an improperly performed DIY can cost you extra should it need to be fixed. So, before you make a decision, crunch the numbers.
DIY is a great way to great creative, get hands on, and even save some cash. To make sure your next DIY task ends well, give it a bit of thought. Ask yourself if you will enjoy the process, if you know how to handle the task safely, and if it will actually help you save money. If you can say yes to all three.... then go for it! You can feel good getting your DIY on.
Joe Davis understands the importance of DIY projects. He has experience bringing both residential and commercial roofing products to customers all over the country. In the last few years, he has been working successfully with IKO Roofing Shingles.

Friday 6 February 2015

Quick and Easy Tips To Help You Discover Your Design Style

Have you ever stopped to think about your design style? There are many variations out there. Some of us love country chic while others adore sleek and modern pieces. Everyone has their own unique take on home décor and design. That is a good thing! It makes life exciting. It also makes it possible to reflect that style in your own unique way. You may be wondering: why is it so important to know your design style? It is simple. The key to creating a space you love is to understand what speaks to you, why it speaks to you, and how to apply that to your home. Don't know where to start? These easy tips will help you discover your design style.
Look At What You Have Already
Having a solid grasp on your design style is a must. From the types of colours, textures, and furniture you love to the little details - it all adds up to reflect who you are. Are you looking to revamp your home? Or do you want to infuse a little more you into your space? Then take a look at what you already have. Go from room to room and pay attention to everything from the furniture to the colour palette. What items do you love? What elements do you wish you could change? Focus on those things.
Why does it matter? The things you love and the things you loathe can reveal an awful lot about your design style. For instance, if you find yourself giddy about the antique pieces you have scattered around your home.... then you may have a flair for a vintage or retro style. On the other hand, if you find yourself drawn to a sleek glass table or that white floating shelf.... you may be more modern than vintage. Bring a critical eye to your space and see what you can discover.
Create an Inspiration Board
Have you heard of an inspiration board? This is where you cut out pictures, words, or colours that trigger a positive response. You then glue or pin those pictures to a piece of paper or bulletin board. Create one! You can use it to determine your design style. Spend a half hour or so flipping through old magazines. Rip out anything and everything that speaks to you. It could be a certain chair, a colour, a place in the world, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Or you could always go online and create a collage of pictures directly on your computer.
Did you finish your inspiration board? Then you should have a number of photos in front of you. Take a look at the finished product. Are there certain colours that go together? Pieces that fit a certain theme? Take time to look for any patterns that stand out. This can give you a better idea of what excites you, inspires you, and brings you joy.
Your design style matters. It can be used to create a living space that is uniquely you. By taking stock of your existing decor and searching for inspiration, you can begin to understand what colours, furnishings, and accessories represent your point of view. What comes next? Apply what you have learned by going shopping!
Joe Davis understands the importance of home design. He has experience bringing both residential and commercial roofing products to customers all over the country. In the last few years, he has been working successfully with IKO Shingles.

Saturday 31 January 2015

Preventing Moss and Algae Growth On Your Asphalt Shingles

It happens. Wet, warmth, and a raft of other weather conditions can affect our shingles. Sometimes it affects them in more obvious ways than others.... like when a layer of moss and algae grow on your asphalt shingles. Picture it: you are performing a regular roof inspection and you see it. You notice that there are dark areas and discolouration on your rooftop. What could it be? The answer is most likely algae or moss. They both form in moist areas.
Do you want to prevent these issues from destroying the safety of your roof? Then give these simple do it yourself projects a try. You will be saying goodbye to moss and algae growth once and for all.

Knowing The Difference: Algae vs. Moss

The best place to start is by understanding what moss and algae actually do - and why their prevention is so important. Algae forms when there is moisture on your roof. It could occur because of certain weather conditions or due to poorly protected areas. Algae will show up as a small dark spot but will eventually grow to look more like long streaks on your roofing materials. Something to keep in mind? If you see algae forming, that means it has already been there for several months. Moss on the other hand, grows on areas of your roof that receive less sunlight. When it does form, it can create a number of serious issues. It can destroy the strength of your shingles by causing them to lift and curl. This increases the likelihood of shingle removal.

Preventative Measures

There is no doubt that moss and algae can affect the strength and overall appearance of your roofing system. That makes prevention key. Thankfully there are a few DIY tasks that can keep these issues at bay.... if performed on a regular basis. The first is to trim back any overhanging tree branches. This step can prevent branches from scratching or damaging your roofing materials. However it also helps more sunlight hit the roof. That reduces the amount of moisture, which will make it difficult for moss and algae to grow.
Another preventative measure? Clear away debris. If you have a leaf blower or even a push broom, you can use them to clear away leaves, small twigs and branches, and other debris that moisture can grow under. Removing them will prevent moss and algae - and improve the look of your roofing system as well. It is also a good idea to clean your gutters regularly. This will ensure that they drain properly.... and a build up of water does not reach your roofing materials. The last preventative step to take? Consider choosing materials that are water resistant or algae resistant. If you are planning to have new roofing materials installed in the near future, this is your chance to strength your roof. Puts some serious thought into what your materials can do for you.
No one wants to deal with moss or algae growth. Removing a build up can be time consuming and frustrating to deal with. That makes prevention especially important. With these do it yourself tasks at your can improve your home from the top down.
Joe Davis understands the importance of preventing moss and algae growth. He has experience bringing both residential and commercial roofing products to customers all over the country. In the last few years, he has been working successfully with IKO Shingles.